Tunnel Pitch Deck 10 Dec 2023 Previous slideNext slideToggle fullscreenOpen presenter view Tunnelz We're going to build a network of underground tunnels with robot couriers solve last mile delivery to consumers. Logistics The art of moving goods to consumers What does the present look like? OOM's ~100,000,000 ft - Circumfrence of Earth Shipping containers, Cargo Plane 10,000,000 ft - width of continental United States Rail, Semis 1,000,000 ft - Boston to NYC Rail, Semis OOM's (cont) 100,000 ft - Length of Manhatten Delivery trucks, passenger vehicles 10,000 ft - Width of downtown boston Delivery trucks, passenger vehicles, mopeds, bicycles 1,000 ft - Cruise ship Delivery trucks, passenger vehicles, mopeds, bicycles, mailmen 100 ft - basketball court mopeds, bicycles, mailmen, gig economy workers 10 ft - curb to plate Consumer Why does this suck? Delivery orders are 1000 - 100,000 feet. Delivery requires vehicle + human hybrid to deliver goods Passenger Vehicle - 3,000 lbs vehicle + 150 lbs human - 2 lbs of pad thai. 1500x food. Moped - 200 lbs of moped, 150 lbs of human. 200x food. Dangerous for human driver Curb to plate problem - human being needs to: Put on clothes, shoes Anxiously watch phone to not miss it Interact with a stranger at night. Food delivery via humans is inherently expensive What are some possible futures? Robo Couriers Small robots driving on sidewalks or roads. Issues Speed Sidewalk - can't move faster than a human Road - bad delivery/payload ratio, last 100 ft problem Congestion Will need to interact with humans Unsightly Drones Let's fly our food Benefits No infrastructure required "As the crow flies" point to point delivery Issues Dangerous - no one wants a hot coffee dropped on them Requires a clear line of sight landing zone Ugly Loud Tunnelz I want to live in a scifi future where delivery is: Instant Invisible Cheap Easy Basic Plan Install a network of 1.5 foot diameter pipes, along with an ingress/egress platform for each building (port). Build delivery robots that can navigate the pipe network and deliver a payload to the ports. Restaurants and businesses load items into a payload container, and a robot picks it up and delivers it to the destination Problem Domains Tunnel Design Whats the correct pipe width? Pipe material? Curves? Junctions? Delivery Robot Design Speed Braking Curves Payload bay Tunnel Navigation How does a robot know where to go? How do we track progress? Port Design How does the robot drop the payload? How does the payload vertically climb into the home? Payload Packaging How does a coffee not spill? Central Dispatch How do we ensure there aren't any crashes? How does restaurant get alerted? Milestones M1 - First Step Goals: Robot Design, Central Dispatch Lego Robot Navigate in living room Delivers payload M2 - Introduce Pipes Prototype runs in pipes aboveground Goals: Port Design, Tunnel Navigation M3 - Add Speed Goals: Robot Design, Payload Packaging, Tunnel Design Increase speed and G's Introduce curves Package payloads M4 - Underground Goals: Port Design, Tunnel Navigation, Tunnel Design Bury test track What we need 2 years of living expenses to get to M4 The team Chris 3 years at Tesla 10 years software engineer 1000 hours factorio < Cofounder ???> Steelman the future?